Monday, June 29, 2009

St. Peter's Day

Today is a Monday and therefore a school day. However it is also St. Peter's Day, a day with obvious Catholic roots. So school was canceled, in the afternoon anyway. All of the students left to go home for lunch and then, one would assume, to church. But no, St. Peter's Day is a day in which everyone goes to the beach. That's right, St. Peter's Day is a day in which the whole town shuts down in the afternoon to swim. You've gotta love this culture!


  1. Ain't FIlipino culture very laidback?

  2. Correction: The day is completely marked as the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. These is marked as a First Class Feast and as a Holy Day of Obligation in the Philippines. Your observation mainly centers on what you see at school where students join the throng of the majority trooping to the oil-soaked beaches. The matured generations of Cabalian first hears Mass before going to the beach. I am not surprised at this observation taken from the point of view of a Westerner. A piece of advice: Do not think that setting your foot at the edge of the forest vests you with the capability of fathoming the mystery of the forest.

    And to Jeffrey: It is sad you call your own culture laid-back. You almost singlehandedly demolish Rizal's arguments on the 'non'-indolence of the Filipinos. Cabalianons pure at heart are sparse and few. Unfortunately, they do not advertise themselves unless provoked.

  3. Erratum: The matured generations . . . hear Mass

  4. Dear anonymous,
    Please refer to the main page to read my open letter of gratitude to you.


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