Friday, March 20, 2009


While my host brothers were sweeping up the mga dahon, leaves, my brother Johny found the biggest spider I have ever seen in my life. I asked my host mom, who later arrived on the scene, if it was poisonous. She made a stern face, "yes, Sean." I looked back to Johny playing hith it, dangling it by it's legs. Country boys...
My other host brother, Arnell, was no better.
And for your viewing pleasure, a video of Johny molesting the spider. (No humans were injured in the making of this video)


  1. Dude, maybe some day you will see the 8-inch spider that lives in my CR. Or hopefully not, because I live in fear of it and when it's out I can't bring myself to pee :(

  2. Seriously, Sean, that's the most ridiculous spider I've ever seen. I can't believe your host brother's bravery/stupidity. I also can't believe you got close enough to film it! Thanks for sharing. I now feel phantom spiders crawling all over me...


  3. Wow, that was the oddest looking spider I have seen before. Very cool coloring on him/her. I'm glad no one got bitten, and am afraid to ask what the eventual fate of the spider was. All we get in the apartment here in Bala Cynwyd, PA is stink bugs. Thankfully none of them have stunk yet, though I hear from a friend that they are as powerful as skunks when squished. Perhaps this explains why the cats so far have done nothing but follow them around.

    Congrats on getting tickets to Thailand! I'm glad you'll get a vacation with friends soon. I'm becoming more and more frantic as the semester flies by, but I'll get it all done somehow. If I stop procrastinating, but your life is very interesting to read about ;)
    Take care and mind the poisonous critters!


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